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What is retinography?


Retinophotography provides a high-resolution color photo of the fundus. It is also possible to perform auto-fluorescence images and thus provide an in-depth analysis of the pigment epithelium.

It is the best technique to control the retina without dilating it.


How does the analysis take place?


Performing retinophotography in the office does not require any specific preparation. This examination is painless and no dilation of the pupil is necessary. It has an average of 3 hours (with inability to drive and photophobia during this time).

The examination must be performed in a seated position, it lasts only a few seconds, the patient places his face on the chin rest and a light point must be fixed.

The ophthalmologist or orthoptist centers the device on the eye and takes the photos of the fundus.


Why and when to do this analysis?


This analysis is essential for the diagnosis of several retinal pathologies.


Color and auto fluorescence images are necessary in the diagnosis and control of retinal pathologies such as AMD, retinal lesions associated with diabetes or high blood pressure and optic neuropathies such as glaucoma.


This examination has a major interest in chronic eye damage.

In fact, the photos taken during each follow-up consultation make it possible to assess a more or less rapid development of the disease and thus best adapt the treatment.

To know


  • This examination may be carried out at each follow-up consultation for known retinal pathology or during a check-up if the patient has unknown visual disturbances.

  • The ophthalmologist may ask if he considers it necessary to perform an eye exam in order to give the patient a complete diagnosis. Mydriatic drops will then be put in place allowing the pupils to dilate.

  • The patient will not be able to resume driving for a few hours after the examination.

  • A fundus can be done at any age.

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